Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

Undergoing Rhinoplasty for Nasal Bumps

Nov 13, 2017 @ 02:35 PM — by Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty

If you have unsightly bumps or humps on your nose, this can impact the appearance of your face in a number of ways. For one, these unsightly humps and bumps may be your most noticeable facial feature, resulting in feelings of self-consciousness. These bumps on the bridge of the nose can also make the nose appear longer and oddly shaped, whether viewed straight on or in profile.

To address these issues for patients in the Paoli area, the team at Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery may recommend rhinoplasty (nose job). Let's cover the basics on how this surgery may be able to help.

Can Rhinoplasty Target Just the Bridge of the Nose?


Rhinoplasty can be performed to address bumps, humps, and other issues that affect the shape of the bridge of the nose. The procedure is quite effective at a number of reshaping and meeting various recontouring needs of patients.

Ideal Candidates for Rhinoplasty

Good candidates for rhinoplasty are people who have issues with the size, shape, and prominence of the nose. They should be in good overall health and not suffer from medical problems that would make facial surgeries such as a rhinoplasty as risk to overall wellness.

It's important that patients undergoing rhinoplasty be well aware of the risks and benefits involved. We also want to stress that patients should be making this decision for themselves and their needs, not coerced into the surgery by others.

How Rhinoplasty Is Performed

There are two ways that a rhinoplasty can be performed, closed and open.

Either type of surgery may be used to adjust the bridge of the nose. During the consultation process, we can discuss which type of surgery may be more ideal for you and your needs.

Recovering from Bridge Rhinoplasty

Patients will want to take at least two weeks off from work in order to rest, heal, and for issues with bruising and swelling to pass. The nose will be very tender in the first few weeks after your surgery, so it's important to avoid sneezing, strenuous activity, and wearing glasses during this time so as to avoid altering the shape of the nose as it heals. Multiple follow-up visits with your surgeon will be scheduled to help monitor your recovery.

The Results of Rhinoplasty on the Bridge

The results of bridge rhinoplasty can be quite effective and dramatic, helping you look much better and overcoming any aesthetic flaws related to the bridge of the nose. The overall symmetry of the face can be enhanced, drawing attention to other facial features apart from your nose.

Contact the Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

For more information about improving the shape and appearance of your nose, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic surgeon today. The team at the Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery will work with you to improve the appearance of your face.