Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

Closed Rhinoplasty vs. Open Rhinoplasty: The Nose (Surgeon) Knows

Apr 12, 2016 @ 12:17 PM — by Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty Facial Plastic Surgery

Dr. Christopher Hove is a leading cosmetic surgeon serving the greater Philadelphia area. His focus is on helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals and making the results look as natural as possible through advanced techniques and years of surgical know-how.

Experience is particularly important when it comes to rhinoplasty (nose job), especially when subtle changes to the nose can have dramatic effects on overall appearance. Let's take a moment to consider how rhinoplasty is performed and why that makes a difference.

Not All Nose Surgeries Are Equal

Many patients do not realize that there are different ways to perform a nose job. Each surgery is tailored to the needs of a patient and their needs, which means that cosmetic surgeons have to consider various options for meeting those needs.

In terms of rhinoplasty, this generally refers to a decision between close surgery and open surgery, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

About Closed Rhinoplasty

Close rhinoplasty refers to a cosmetic nose surgery in which all incisions are made inside of the nostrils. Using small tools and working through these incisions, plastic surgeons are able to make careful adjustments to the shape and prominence of the nose.

The Pros and Cons of Closed Rhinoplasty

The biggest advantage of closed rhinoplasty is that all incision are hidden. There is no external incision during closed rhinoplasty, minimizing risk of visible scarring or problems with visible scar tissue.

The disadvantage of closed rhinoplasty is that a plastic surgeon is not able to make major revisions to the size and shape of the nose. Since the surgery is limited to incisions made within the nostrils, only so many revisions can be made to the appearance of the nose.

About Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty refers to a cosmetic nose surgery that uses an incision made along the columella, the small bit of skin that separates the nostrils. Working through this incision, surgeons can make substantial changes to the overall appearance of the nose.

The Pros and Cons of Open Rhinoplasty

The major advantage of open rhinoplasty is that it allows a facial plastic surgeon to make major changes to the appearance of the nose. This is a great option when a patient has substantial issues with the aesthetics of their nose that cannot be addressed through closed rhinoplasty.

The disadvantage of the open rhinoplasty is that there is a chance of visible scarring depending on how patients heal. There is a kind of trade off between the benefit of greater control and the risk, though small, of scarring.

Which Kind of Rhinoplasty Is Right for Me?

As we noted above, each surgery is tailored to the needs of the patient, which is why it's so important to stop by the practice for a consultation. We can assess your situation and provide recommendations on how to meet your aesthetic goals. Ideally we'll want to work in as minimally invasive a manner as possible in order to ensure the best results with low risk for complications. This will also give patients an opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns so they can gain confidence in their surgical decisions.

Contact Dr. Christopher Hove

For more information about rhinoplasty and how it can help you look your very best, be sure to contact our facial plastic surgery center today. Dr. Christopher Hove and the entire team here look forward to your visit and helping you achieve all of your aesthetic goals.